Historical Muster donation
Original article published in the Grenfell Record on 13 October 2020
Each year the Weddin Mountain Muster Committee chooses a local charity/group to support within the Weddin Shire. Despite the 2020 event being cancelled due to COVID-19, the Committee were still able to make a generous donation to the Grenfell Historical Society.
Muster President Don Robinson presented a cheque for $1,675 to Grenfell Historical Society president Peter Mitton and member Keith Starr. The money that has been donated will assist with the preservation, archive and display of the Museum items.
This year's donation consisted of 3 sources: $1,000.00 from the 2019 event, $350.00 donation made by 2020 registered rider Anita Moeller, who opted to have her refund donated to our chosen charity, and $325.00 from the can recycling program, led by committee Vice President Bill White.
The Committee looks forward to planning next year's event, which is scheduled to run from19-24 September 2021.